Activities and Resources

With this book, we would really love to help children who have lost a loved one. That is why we have created activities and resources to work on different aspects of bereavement with them, with the help of a trusted adult or a professional that can accompany them in this process.

These resources were inspired by the different parts of the book and created from the possible experiences of our main character, Sammy. Therefore, we believe that it is beneficial that the children are familiar with the story before carrying out the activities. This will motivate them and help them to better connect with the resources. 

Before beginning the activities, we recommend you start by discussing the different themes that may emerge after reading the story. To support this process, we have developed:

- Background information on child bereavement and how to approach the topic of death with children (Click here).

- Talking points and questions to help the conversation (Click here).

- Questions and answers about what we, the authors, wanted to convey through the book (Click here).

We hope that you enjoy these free activities and that they may be of help (See below). Please remember that they are only suggestions/guidelines and can be adapted to the age and reality of each child. We would welcome your comments, suggestions and feedback at sammyfoundatreasure@gmail.comClick here to access the comments and stories that have been sent to us.